
  1. Kaposi, József (2021) :Changing History Teaching in Hungary (1990-2020) (társszerző F. Dárdai Ágnes Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics International Society for History Didactics (2021) ISSN 1608-8751 (print), ISSN 2567-1014 (epaper), ISBN 978-3-7344-1398-8 (e-paper)79-97. pp
  2. Kaposi, József (2020): Issues concering education for democracy in comtemporary Hungary, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON HISTORY DIDACTICS HISTORY EDUCATION AND HISTORY CULTURE (2020) ISSS 1608-8751(print) ISSN 2567-1014 (epaper) ISBN 978- 3 7344- 1177- 9 (e-paper). 219-242. URL
  • Publications in foreign languages

  1. Kaposi, József (2021) Pendulum Movements: History Teaching in Hungary Circumstances and Issues. Passau, Germany: Schenk Verlag , 196 p. ISBN: 9783949045 URL
  2. Kaposi, József (2021) :Changing History Teaching in Hungary (1990-2020) (co-author: Ágnes F. Dárdai Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics International Society for History Didactics (2021) ISSN 1608-8751 (print), ISSN 2567-1014 (epaper), ISBN 978-3-7344-1398-8 (epaper)79-97. pp
  3. Kaposi, József (2021): Trends in changing History Teaching in Hungary (1990-2020). (co-author Ágnes F. Dárdai) HUNGARIAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL (HERJ) URL
  4. Kaposi, József (2021): Trends and Dilemmas of Changing History Teaching and Teacher Training 54-87. In: Kaposi, József; Szőke-Milinte, Enikő (editors.) Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age , Budapest, Pázmány Péter Catholic University ISBN 978-963-575-047-4 URL
  5. Kaposi, József (2020): Issues concerning education for democracy in contemporary Hungary, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON HISTORY DIDACTICS HISTORY EDUCATION AND HISTORY CULTURE 5: pp. 219-242. (2020) URL
  6. Kaposi, József (2020): Current issues concerning education for democracy in Hungary, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON HISTORY DIDACTICS HISTORY EDUCATION AND HISTORY CULTURE. 5 p. (2020) URL
  7. Kaposi, József (2016): Skills Development Tasks and the Development of Historical Thinking. In. Anikó Fehérvári (ed.): Curriculum, Effectiveness, Equity. Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet, Budapest, 9-22. URL
  8. Ágnes Fischer-Dárdai – József Kaposi (2015): The Correction of the Bologna Reform Process. Changes in the Training of History Teachers in Hungary. In: Elisabeth Erdmann – Wolfgang Hasberg (ed.): History Teacher Education: Global Interrelations. Schwalbach, Wochenschau Verlag, pp. 29–43. URL
  9. Edit Sinka – József Kaposi – Attila Varga (2014): Diversity of Curriculum Implementation Tools in Hungary In: Frode Nyhamn – Therese N. Hopfenbeck (eds.): From Political Decisions to Change in the Classroom: Successful Implementation of Education Policy. Andvord Grafisk AS, pp. 184–207. URL
  10. Zsuzsanna Horváth – József Kaposi – Attila Varga (2013): The curriculum pendulum swings in Hungary In: Wilmad Kuiper – Jan Berkvens (Eds.): Balancing Curriculum Regulation and Freedom across Europe. Netherland, SLO Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development Enschede, pp. 99–118. CIDREE (Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe) Yearbook, 2013
  11. Miklós Száray and József Kaposi (2012): History IV  (For Secondary School Class 13) Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Zrt, . ISBN 978-963-19 – 7316-7
  12. Száray, Miklós- Kaposi, József (2008): Geschichte 12 [History 12] Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Zrt, 2008.. ISBN 978-963-19 – 6017
  13. Ágnes Fischerné Dárdai –József Kaposi (2006): Das neue zweistufige Abitur im Fach Geschichte in Ungarn [The New Hungarian Two-Tier Matriculation Exam in History]. In: Popp Susanne Erdmann Elisabeth, Maier Robert (szerk.) Geschichtsunterricht international. Hannover: Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006. pp. 85-99.
  14. Ágnes Fischerné Dárdai – József Kaposi (2004): Abiturreform im Fach Geschichte in Ungarn: Förderung der Kompetenzen im historischen Erkenntnissprozess [Reform of the Hungarian Matriculation Exam in History: Competence Development in the Historical Cognition Process]. In: Wolfgang Weber (szerk.) Regionalgeschichten-Nationalgeschichten.: Festschrift für Gerhard Wanner zum 65. 479 p. Feldkirch: Rheticus Gesellschaft, 2004. pp. 327-347.